Thursday, May 2, 2013

Life Lately.

It's been a busy few weeks in this house! Busy days lead to as many relaxing nights as we can get our hands on. That means movies & video games around these parts :).

A few weekends ago, Eric's parent threw us a lovely engagement party with their closest friends. It was nice to catch up with everyone, & see some people we haven't seen in years. Eric's high school swim coach & old neighbor came by and Eric was pretty chuffed to see him again after so long; is there anything better than hearing old stories about your partner's shenanigans? I don't think so. Also, Eric's godmother & her family gave us a vintage bottle of Veuve Clicquot for a special married occasion, which is just the sweetest thing. I can't wait for the right moment to pop that bottle!

Other than that, it's been a few birthdays, project planning, & beautiful weekends for working around the house & visiting farmer's markets. Maybe a few patio lunches ;).

This month is going to be great; we've got birthday parties & concerts & a few other surprises that seriously make my LIFE right now.

In fact, I think the rest of this year is going to be truly epic (in every literal sense of the word). Between a few secrets that I can't divulge (eep!), the wedding festivities, our little honeymoon, family trips... it's goin' down, y'all!

I have some s e r i o u s planning to do. Take care & call your mother.
xx Chlo.

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